I love creating themed activities for my son. He is also absolutely obsessed with Christmas lights so, I thought why not bring the two together? One thing we have been working on is alphabetical order so I created a fun Christmas light activity to practice.
As I said my son is obsessed with Christmas lights. We went out multiple times this year both walking and driving to look at the lights in our area. Every year we make a big batch of hot chocolate and go out and spend an hour or 2 looking at Christmas lights. It’s become one of my favorite traditions.
If you’re looking for more fun learning activities check out my other posts here.
Put the Letters on the Tree
For this Christmas light activity, I drew a Christmas tree on some parchment paper and then drew lines for the lights to be hung. We then “strung” the lights on the tree in alphabetical order. We just did it on a table but you can absolutely do this on a hung piece of paper and tape the lights on.

Match the Christmas Lights to the Letters
This was the challenging activity I created for my son. First I drew a string of lights on parchment paper. Then I scrambled the upper and lowercase letters of the alphabet on the strings. I then gave my son 5 letters at a time to find and match. We came back to this one over a few days so it wasn’t overwhelming to him. I also taped down the letters with Washi tape. To make this easier you can stick to just upper or lower case letters at one time. You could also not scramble the letters and “string” them in alphabetical order with the uppercase on the top string and the lowercase on the bottom.

String the Christmas Letter Lights
This is a great fine motor skill activity. After I cut out the letters I put a hole-punched the top so he could string them. This is a great activity if you are just introducing letters to a little one. They can string the lights in any order and you can name the letters as you go. For more advanced children you can match the upper and lowercase letters and then string the. Or they can just string them in alphabetical order. This is a great visual that is also a decoration for the holidays.

Other Ideas
- Match colors together
- Create color patterns
- Practice spelling 3 letter words
- Create letter patterns
- Spell the child’s name
- Display them as decoration
- Hide them around your room or on your tree and search for them
- Practice letter sounds as you do any of the activities
Christmas Light Alphabet Printable

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