These 10 leaf activities are sure to keep your kids busy all fall long. Growing up in Southern California and then moving to Arizona, fall has never really been a thing for us. But since moving to North Carolina oh my gosh it is amazing. The color of the leaves blows my mind and now that the leaves have been falling I had so much fun creating these activities.
You can check out my other Fall activities here.
Nature Walk
The nature walk (even if it’s just in your backyard) is the easiest activity and necessary to complete these. We spent probably an hour walking around our complex looking for leaves of all shapes and colors. We also collected sticks, pine needles, rocks, acorns, and anything else nature. It’s an easy way to spend time outside and I like to make these types of activities educational by talking about all the different things we see and hear.
Leaf Letters
This leaf activity is great for letter recognition and understanding the shape of the letter.

Leaf Size Sorting
Super simple, sort the leaves by size. I used some construction paper and tape but you could glue the leaves, use contact paper, or just place the leaves in a pile. You can also make it a little harder by adding in a medium category.

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Leaf Wreath
I think this one turned out so cute. I used a white paper plate and cut out the center but you can easily use paper.

Sink or Float
I think one was Ryan’s favorite. We took all the different things we found ( I added an apple and pumpkin) and decided if they would sink or float. Ryan only cared if it sunk or floated but this is a great science experiment to talk about why certain things float like the pumpkin but the acorns sink.

Leaf Impressions
This one is probably my favorite. As you can see I taped the leaves down and the paper to make it easier for him. We talked about what the stem of the leaves is for, what the veins do, and the different leaf shapes.

Leaf Color Sorting Activity
For this one, I use contact paper and we stuck the leaves in groups by color. This activity would also be great for understanding color gradients.

More Leaf Activities I Found

This Leaf People Craft from My Mommy Style is so cute! Check out her full blog post here.

I love this no-prep leaf letters activity from Happy Toddler Playtime. You can check it out here.

I definitely think we will be trying this leaf printing activity from Childhood 101. You find her full blog post here.
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