My son has been so excited for Halloween this year that I knew I needed to come up with some Halloween-themed letter activities for him. We have been working on letter recognition so I wanted to come up with a couple of different activities for this but with limited printing.
Spooky Letter Hunt
This sensory bin was so easy to create. It’s spiders (black beans), bones (painted pasta), and some dollar spot Halloween erasers from Target. All I did was hide the letters and let him find them. When he found one he matched it with the letters on the sheet. I laminated all of it so that the letters would last longer and so that he could keep using the matching sheet.
You can use whatever you’d like to make a sensory bin to hide the letters or you hide them around your house for a spooky scavenger hunt.
This letter printable is available here.

Letter Cards
I wanted to start working on letter recognition and writing foundations so I created some Halloween-themed letter cards. Below I have a couple of different ways to use these cards but the possibilities are endless.
You can download all of the Halloween Letter Cards here.
Pumpkin Spice Play Dough
I love adding spices to play dough. It adds an extra fun element and introduces your child to new smells and eventually new flavors. For this activity, you make play dough “snakies” (as we call them) to create the letter.

Letter Manipulatives
You can use whatever you have at home. I picked up some googly eyes and Ryan has been obsessed with them so that is what we used. For this activity, you place the manipulatives along the letter essentially tracing it.

Salt Letter Tracing Tray
I’m sure you’ve seen sand letter tracing trays all over Pinterest. I wasn’t really interested in buying and storing a big bag of sand. And I didn’t want to pay a lot of money for a small bag of fancy sand because let’s face it Ryan will dump it everywhere at some point. But, when I saw Myriam from MotherCould make dyed salt I knew this was it. For this Halloween-themed letter activity just practice writing the letters with their fingers, paintbrush, or a stick.

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